May 23 2023

Student’s Day

KMS donated gifts to the Secondary School Ricardo Flores Magon in the community of Campos.
These gifts were raffled for the students in celebration of Student’s Day.

May 17 2023

Campos Eldery Home

KMS donated basic meal items to the Elderly Home in Campos Community.

April 27 2023

Children’s Day

KMS donated candy favors to the children of Campos’ Kindergarten and Primary School in celebration of Children’s Day.

March 9 2023

KMS BOD Meeting

KMS held annual BOD Meeting face-to-face after 3 years due to COVID.

January 2023

Donation Turtle Hatchery in Manzanillo

KMS donated vests for volunteers at the Manzanillo Turtle Hatchery.
KMS has the social responsibility to protect and care for the environment and we believe that cooperation in this activity contributed to the protection of 1,826 nests with 169,950 hatchlings; of which 150,616 were released during 2022, surpassing the statistics for the 2021 season.

January 2023

Donation Iguanario “Archundia” in Manzanillo

KMS donated material to reconstruct a wall that was damaged during September 2022 earthquake to Manzanillo’s Iguana Farm “Archundia”.
The Iguana Farm “Archundia” is dedicated to the preservation of iguanas and during 2022 they achieved taking care for over 100 iguanas and received over 7,000 visitors to learn about iguanas and other protected species in the farm.

March 17 2022

World Gas Conference 2022

September 19 2022

Donation to firefighters Manzanillo

KMS supported Manzanillo firefighters with hoses.

August 29 2018

Donation turtle nursery

KMS and MGT donated items that are necessary for them to carry out safe and successful care of the turtles

July 12 2018

Donation to Red Cross

KMS and MGT made a donation of $70,000mxn for the purchase of an X-Ray Machine.

July 12 2018

World Tree Day

KMS and MGT donated 300 trees for Manzanillo’s Sports Center “Cinco de Mayo” and “Tubo Gomez”.KMS and MGT personnel assisted in the planting of 70 trees as part of the start of the planting activities.

April 16 2018

Clean beach “Miramar”

KMS and MGT staff donated pantry items for elderly group “Los Angelitos campiranos” for its 24th anniversary in Campos, Manzanillo.

March 24 2018

Clean beach “Miramar”

KMS and MGT staff in conjunction “Comité de playas limpias” cleaned the beach “Miramar”.

February 28 2018

Donation to AMANC in Colima

Terminal KMS and MGT donated $60,000 pesos and plastic caps to help the children with cancer.

December 20 2017

API Recognition

Terminal KMS received a recognition from API and AMANC for the help and delivered of plastic bottles to help children with cancer.

December 19 2017

Campos and Colomos Christmas Party

Terminal KMS and MGT participated in the Christmas party that was held in some schools in Campos and Colomos, supporting with the donation of Gifts and candy for the students of the establishment.

October 17 2017

Donation to Turtle Nursery

Terminal KMS and MGT personnel donated to the turtle nursery items requested to carry out their daily activities on protecting the turtles.

September 22 2017

Donation to support earthquake victims on 7 & 19 September

Terminal KMS and MGT personnel donated to red cross Manzanillo, $50,000 pesos and food to the victims of earthquakes on September 7 and 19

September 5 2017

Grandparents celebration 2017

Terminal KMS and MGT personnel donated ceiling fans, pedestal fans kitchen utensils, and pantry items for every day usage to the Casa del Adulto Mayor, Manos Unidas AC. Colomos, Colima

July 28 2017


Termal KMS and MGT personnel donated 300 trees and helped with the reforastation of the recently renovated streets “Paseo de las Gaviotas” and Ave. Elias Zamora.

June 23 2017

2nd Brigade tournament

Termal KMS and MGT personnel participated in the second brigade tournament to develop, apply and demonstrate their skill and response time in case of an emergency within terminal facilities.

May 6 2017

Children’s and Mother’s Day

Terminal KMS and MGT supported the community of Campos with presents for the celebration of children’s and Mother’s Day, which took place in the main plaza.

April 5 2017

Safety Industry recognition

Terminal KMS received from the federal delegate of labor in the entity, Mr. Roberto Barbosa the official certificate of safety industry as the second company to received the certificate in Manzanillo and the fourth in Colima State.

March 25 2017

Beach Cleaning

Terminal KMS’ staff and families in coordination with merchants, participated enthusiastically in the cleaning of Manzanillo Bay.

March 23 2017

Turtle Liberation

Terminal KMS attended the release of sea turtles, promoting the care of this species that is so valuable to Manzanillo.

February 16 2017

Monthly donation for meals

To contribute to the daily expenses of the “Los Angelitos” orphanage and to support the education of the resident children, KMS & MGT will make a monthly donation to cover part of the costs of school meals throughout the year 2017.

February 3 2017

Delivery of Plastic caps

Terminal KMS and MGT donate plastic caps to AMANC association to support the therapies of children with Cancer.

December 21 2016

Delivery of Civil Protection  Manuals

Terminal KMS support the civil protection with the printing of 3,000 “Civil Protection Manuals” to distribute them among the population.

December 16 2016

Shelter to a Grandfather

Terminal KMS and MGT supported the program “Shelter to a Grandfather 2016” with the donation of 100 blankets in the facilities of the Institute for the Attention of the Adults in Fullness in Manzanillo.

December 16 2016

Elementary’s Christmas Party

Terminal KMS and MGT participated in the christmas party that in the elementary of Colomos “5 de Mayo” TM, supporting with the donation of 50 Gifts for the students of the establishment.

December 15 2016

Elders’ Christmas Party

Terminal KMS and MGT participated in the Elders’ christmas party that was made in “Los Angelitos Campiranos” of the community of campos, with the donation of 80 pantries for all its members.

December 15 2016

Kindergarden’s Christmas party

Terminal KMS and MGT participated in the kindergarden’s christmas party that took place in the fiel of the school of “Federico Frobel” in the community of campos, with the donation of 85 Gifts and sweets for all the boys and girls students of the school.

September 30 2016

Clean Industry Certificate

Terminal KMS renewed the certification of clean industry bye the Security Agency, Energy and Environment (ASEA).

August 11 2016

Visit by CFE’s Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Jaime Hernández took a tour through the facilities of Terminal KMS and met the directors.

August 3 2016

Donation of Uniforms for Los Angelitos Orphanage

KMS and MGT staff donated uniforms and shoes for the childen at Los Angelitos Orphanage. 58 children from the Orphange now have a complete and appropiate uniforms to go to school.

July 14 2016

Reforestation of Green Areas in Manzanillo

KMS and MGT staff together with the municipality of Manzanillo reforested a park in the city of Manzanillo. The total amount of donated trees were 300.

May 21 2016

Clean beach “La Boquita”

KMS staff and MGT in conjunction cleaned the beach “La Boquita”.